
What Led India Into Crisis? : Insight of COVID 2nd Wave

  COVID 19, a word that is threatening the Global image of India apart from making an unparalleled damage to the lives in India. With some people blaming Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi citing it as a Man made crisis while others have come blunt in support of the Government claiming the situation to be well in control. Truth only being the disturbing pictures of deadbodies flowing in sacred rivers, waiting line at Crematoriums, helpless people screaming for oxygen cylinders and so on. Absolutely, this is a Crisis but what led India into Crisis? Primarily and Superficially , the leader Narendra Modi led it wrong by organising the massive political rallies, violating all norms of social distancing and face cover, making a mockery of the experts warnings about COVID 2nd wave. He could have had an escape route if his rallies were as per COVID protocol, masks were not in fashion even for Modi in his rallies. It is for leader to lead from the front and this is where he lead it m...

The LOAN: A Debt that shaped me Different

  The LOAN, a word that almost all of us have been familiar with. Sometimes, it end up being our last choice while for most of the people it is a way of upgrading their standard of living. To Akif, it came altogether as a different chapter. It changed him as an individual, crafted a different outlook towards society. Unlike others, it didn't changed Akif's lifestyle but it turned out to be a Debt that shaped him different. When you go out to a new world, the basic idea is that things are pretty cool. Our fantasies about society, lifestyle or city may be at wide angle with the realities but this is how we go ahead in our life. As a child, some of us have fantasized about time machine, moving further in life we had fantasies about becoming a Superhero. For some, a particular city has always been a dream world, for others lifestyle of people has been an admiration. Running towards fantasies, Akif moved to a new world leavin...

Justice for SSR (Sushant Singh Rajput or Sushant Sang Rhea)

Sushant Singh Rajput (SSR), a famous Bollywood actor was found dead, hanging from ceiling fan at his flat in Bandra, Mumbai. Rhea Chakraborty, his live in partner has been the prime suspect in the case, accused of abetment to suicide/murder. It's been more than 2 months and there has been lot of support worldwide demanding " Justice for Sushant ". Political involvement in the case has also been enormous with Bihar Government and Maharashtra Government standing opposite to each other. The case has been finally referred to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). But let's have a quick look to the major allegations that surfaced since the death of Sushant. At first, it was projected that Sushant's suicide had some connection with the suicide of his manager Disha Saliyan who lost her life just a week before Sushant's death on 8th June 2020. Later, the arrow was turned towards NEPOTISM in Bollywood , alleging that Nepotism in Bollywood has been a reason behind Sush...

Save Earth: Change your Habits - Free Water, Pristine Air Campaign...

How often do you visit restaurants, hotels etc for having food? Once in a while, monthly, weekly or on daily basis?  Even before you start going through the menu card, comes a packaged drinking water bottle at your table. You admire the brand of mineral water and the class of the restaurant. Have you ever thought of asking the waiter to take back the branded packaged water bottle and bring to you the normal RO/Water purifier water?  NO? Then try it someday. The waiter will give you a weird look as if you are not meant for that place or you do not have enough money to pay the restaurant bill. Infact, most of you will hesitate doing this because knowingly unknowingly we have fed in our minds that Packaged Water or say Packaged Mineral Water is a status symbol. For you, Normal water purifier water doesn't suit your status and someone who is trying to avoid that costly bottle is trying to save money because he doesn't have that financial status as you possess. B...

My Color BLACK: India & the World #BlackLivesMatter#NoDiscrimination

Black, a color that every wardrobe craves for. Black, a skin that is not welcomed much in some parts of the globe. # Black Lives Matter # Stop Discrimination trending all around India and the World. But do they really care ? 20th Jan 2009, Barack Obama became President of United States of America showcasing that discrimination on skin color is a go story. But then we saw a man, a man, a man George Floyd who was forced to death. A man, because somewhere people in power just took him as a Black Man. Superior were they, for their skin was different ? Massive protests are going in almost all parts of world. India, the land of Gandhi has also showed immense protests with people showing their aggression on social media. Great! But question arise why the discrimination takes place in a developed nation like USA? Are we Indians more sensible and humane? Discrimination is not a act, its a process. Your act is a mirror of your upbringing and basic thoughts. You may be boasting #Black ...


The sun just dipped down, birds went into their shelters and it was plain dark evening. No stars, No moon, there was absolutely nothing which could be seen on the sky, down the streets. Oh Yeah ! It was just another lockdown eve where everyone was into their houses, saving themselves from what they referred as a hidden monster, Corona. Suddenly, a high pitched voice full of pain just went yards into the streets, came back and again there was a dead silence. People came out to their balconies, it was Sherlyn. Sherlyn, the dynamic young lady, single mother who was known much for her impressive career, lavish lifestyle and ofcourse for her collection of watches comprising of all leading global brands. But what made her cry? Sherlyn was lying down the roadside pavement, unconscious of what was going on and then again a voice breaks the silence. It was an ambulance, it stopped near the unconscious lady and there comes out the dead body of her daughter, Samia. People realised n...

Hum Sharminda Hain

हम शर्मिन्दा  हैं। कहने को तो हम दुनिया की एक उभरती हुई अर्थव्यवस्था हैं , दुनिया में हमारा नाम है। फोर्ब्स  के हिसाब से दुनिया के सबसे अमीर लोगों में 21वें स्थान पर एक भारतीय  मुकेश अम्बानी है , दुनिया के सबसे प्रभावी लीडरों में हमारे देश के प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी का नाम है।  हमारे देश में इस वर्ष मार्च मेें  LOCKDOWN लगा दिया गया था, जिसकी समूचे विश्व में हमारी तारीफ हुई। न्यूज़ चैनल , समाचार पत्र , TWITTER , सब जग़ह हमारी  तारीफ़ छाई हुई थी। सब कुछ जैसे एक स्वर्ण काल जैसा नज़र आ रहा था तभी अचानक भारत का वह स्वरुप नज़र आया जिसके लिए हम बरसो से बदनाम थे या यूँ कहिये हमारी पहचान  यही थी , मज़दूर , मजबूर भारत। बुलेट ट्रेन की ओर चल दिए भारतवर्ष ने कभी ये कल्पना भी नहीं की होगी के उसके लाल , लाचार बच्चे , प्रेगनेंट औरतें सबको हज़ार हज़ार किलोमीटर तक की दूरी पे  पैदल जाना पड़ेगा।  Lockdown का वक़्त निकलता रहा , सरकारी योजनाएँ आती रहीं मगर जो नहीं बदला वो था उनके हालात , उनकी भूख।  लाखों की तादाद में मज़दूर  और गरीब वर्ग सड़को पे पैद...