The sun just dipped down, birds went into their shelters and it was plain dark evening. No stars, No moon, there was absolutely nothing which could be seen on the sky, down the streets. Oh Yeah ! It was just another lockdown eve where everyone was into their houses, saving themselves from what they referred as a hidden monster, Corona.

Suddenly, a high pitched voice full of pain just went yards into the streets, came back and again there was a dead silence. People came out to their balconies, it was Sherlyn.

Sherlyn, the dynamic young lady, single mother who was known much for her impressive career, lavish lifestyle and ofcourse for her collection of watches comprising of all leading global brands. But what made her cry?

Sherlyn was lying down the roadside pavement, unconscious of what was going on and then again a voice breaks the silence. It was an ambulance, it stopped near the unconscious lady and there comes out the dead body of her daughter, Samia. People realised now that it was the painful voice of a mother who lost her only child.

Years went by, Sherlyn lost her mother, her brother in the mid 50's and she was now 78 years old but she never cried after that evening. A day one young chap comes to her with some exotic chocolates, this chap was Haris. Haris just got his first job.

She congratulate the young one and bless him that he work in a way that he never cry. Cry? Did I heard it correct? asks the young Haris. Sherlyn narrates, I was a young blood like you, enthusiastic, ready to grab whatever I could. I got a job in a certifying agency, be it cement, steel, bikers helmet almost everything rather every major industry was under our hands. I loved a famous watch brand, costly, too costly for me to afford. But I got the one, I just ignored a test.

Ignoring a test? How did that fetch you a watch and what does all that have to do with me crying? asks Haris in curiousity. She goes on, then I got all worldly things, lavishing lifestyle, my name and fame grew in the societies. What I had to do was just ignore few things which would hardly matter to me because I knew which cement to buy, which milk was best for me and my young daughter Samia.

One day I lost my daughter during an era of a deadly disease. She was a doctor, a very talented and hardworking doctor. Oh! Corona killed her? I heard of the disease from my granny says Haris. No, the old lady replied, she became a victim of what earned me all those worldly pleasures. She was serving humanity, wearing masks and other safety wears feeling safe with what was certified. Alas! someone ignored its quality for some bucks or probably her/his love for watches like me. Samia, that mask took her to death but how many lives I would have claimed? How many Samia's life I would have taken?

Where was I heading? Where are we heading towards? I can pass on inferior steel knowing I wont use that particular brand, so what makes me cry when someone passed the thing that claimed my daughter's death? The lady adds on while she walks leaving behind her easy chair, Haris! work remembering the fact someday your mother, your child will for sure have medicine passed by someone who would be having more crave for that lavishing lifestyle . 
                                              Controller of Few, Consumer of Many


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