The LOAN: A Debt that shaped me Different


The LOAN, a word that almost all of us have been familiar with. Sometimes, it end up being our last choice while for most of the people it is a way of upgrading their standard of living. To Akif, it came altogether as a different chapter. It changed him as an individual, crafted a different outlook towards society. Unlike others, it didn't changed Akif's lifestyle but it turned out to be a Debt that shaped him different.

When you go out to a new world, the basic idea is that things are pretty cool. Our fantasies about society, lifestyle or city may be at wide angle with the realities but this is how we go ahead in our life. As a child, some of us have fantasized about time machine, moving further in life we had fantasies about becoming a Superhero. For some, a particular city has always been a dream world, for others lifestyle of people has been an admiration.

Running towards fantasies, Akif moved to a new world leaving behind the people he knew, he loved and he trusted. Years went by and Akif was a part of the world that was always dreamt of. Luxuries, comfort, people everything was there. Now he  knew people, loved and trusted them just like before. 

Akif was a nice chap, affable and without a fake layer of character that most of the people of that time wore. He never learnt to wear faces and there was no need to.

One dark morning Suzy, a colleague comes to Akif for some help which he agrees to without wasting any second, such was Akif. Suzy, on contrary was kind of aloof going mature lady who was on the verge of completing her ongoing services. The help which he agreed to was being the Guarantor for The LOAN of Ms Suzy.

Signed legal papers without any hesitation, this was because of the trust and the imaginary sublime picture of the society that Akif has lived off. Sooner, he realised that he was framed into a financial fraud. Suzy was a clever person who almost took advantage of the innocence of that chap. Akif was smart enough though to come out of situation but that wasn't something that changed his life. Then what happened next? Did things got worst?

News spread like a dry forest fire and Tally, another colleague asked Akif "Will you sign papers for me too? Do you even know anything about me?" This line did what fraud Suzy could not. Tally and Akif were sitting side by side from past one year. Akif thought they were kind of good colleagues, if not friends. Tally unlike Akif, was a professional girl who did not had any emotions for outside world. Yes! Outside World. The one's we are surrounded by, spend our entire life without knowing what actually they are in their personal life.

Social media changed things drastically and the relationships, rather virtual relationships became a fashion in early 21st century. You may be surrounded by hundreds of people whom you call as friends. You rely on them merely on the basis of information they have provided. You may be knowing someone as a doctor from past many years just because that girl/guy told you she/he's the one but reality may be quite different. Akif knew all these things but can this happen in real surroundings too where you interact physically with the people in real life?

Tally's simple statement changed Akif's outlook towards society. The world which we always fantasize about is far away from harsh realities. We always move towards New People, New World (NPNW) for fulfilling our wild dezires. In the process, moving farther from people who know and truly value us. Not all but many of us have also paid up the price of these superficial relations at some point in our life.

Akif learnt from Tally that we are more Vulnerable to people around us in the real world than what Facebook, Twitter, Insta does.

                                     "Beware, Learn, Adapt…

                                                                   Real World doesn't come with a Disclaimer"



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