My Color BLACK: India & the World #BlackLivesMatter#NoDiscrimination

Black, a color that every wardrobe craves for. Black, a skin that is not welcomed much in some parts of the globe. # Black Lives Matter # Stop Discrimination trending all around India and the World. But do they really care ?

20th Jan 2009, Barack Obama became President of United States of America showcasing that discrimination on skin color is a go story. But then we saw a man, a man, a man George Floyd who was forced to death. A man, because somewhere people in power just took him as a Black Man. Superior were they, for their skin was different ?

Massive protests are going in almost all parts of world. India, the land of Gandhi has also showed immense protests with people showing their aggression on social media. Great! But question arise why the discrimination takes place in a developed nation like USA? Are we Indians more sensible and humane?

Discrimination is not a act, its a process. Your act is a mirror of your upbringing and basic thoughts. You may be boasting #Black Lives Matter but think for a while from where did your thought about superiority or inferiority of a person merely on basis of skin color arise from.

We saw different fairness cream advertisements, our lead actresses were and are supposed to be white skin. A tall, white girl in a college would have been your attraction because it has never been fed in our minds that, yes that black little girl could also be beautiful.

Halle Berry, an Oscar winner actress said the award was “for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened.”

If you are surprised at the death of a man, you should be equally surprised that unknowingly you could have been a partner in that crime because Discrimination is a process. Marry your different shaded son to a dark shade girl, Stop using fairness products and so on. If you really want to raise voice just do your bit by preaching a new process about beauty.


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