Save Earth: Change your Habits - Free Water, Pristine Air Campaign...

How often do you visit restaurants, hotels etc for having food? Once in a while, monthly, weekly or on daily basis? 

Even before you start going through the menu card, comes a packaged drinking water bottle at your table. You admire the brand of mineral water and the class of the restaurant. Have you ever thought of asking the waiter to take back the branded packaged water bottle and bring to you the normal RO/Water purifier water?  NO? Then try it someday. The waiter will give you a weird look as if you are not meant for that place or you do not have enough money to pay the restaurant bill.

Infact, most of you will hesitate doing this because knowingly unknowingly we have fed in our minds that Packaged Water or say Packaged Mineral Water is a status symbol. For you, Normal water purifier water doesn't suit your status and someone who is trying to avoid that costly bottle is trying to save money because he doesn't have that financial status as you possess.

But let me ask, how many of you use packaged drinking water/bottled mineral water at your home? What's your answer YES or NO?

If No, then what stops you from drinking the same RO/Water purifier water at restaurants, which you consume happily 24x7 at your home. Restaurant that you chose must be using a proper purified water for cooking food, served on your table. If that's the confidence you have, you should opt for normal RO/Water purifier water.

It doesn't only save your money, but on a larger stage it saves energy involved in processing industry, the PLASTIC waste that is generated of these bottles may surprise you and somewhere you are adding to the waste material on the Mother Earth, polluting your surroundings just to show off.

Next time when you visit any restaurant, hotel etc, ask them for fresh RO/Water Purifier water. If you change your habits, the world will slowly transform into a better place. 

Save Nature, Save Life...
Be a part of Free Water, Pristine Air Campaign...


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