The sun just dipped down, birds went into their shelters and it was plain dark evening. No stars, No moon, there was absolutely nothing which could be seen on the sky, down the streets. Oh Yeah ! It was just another lockdown eve where everyone was into their houses, saving themselves from what they referred as a hidden monster, Corona. Suddenly, a high pitched voice full of pain just went yards into the streets, came back and again there was a dead silence. People came out to their balconies, it was Sherlyn. Sherlyn, the dynamic young lady, single mother who was known much for her impressive career, lavish lifestyle and ofcourse for her collection of watches comprising of all leading global brands. But what made her cry? Sherlyn was lying down the roadside pavement, unconscious of what was going on and then again a voice breaks the silence. It was an ambulance, it stopped near the unconscious lady and there comes out the dead body of her daughter, Samia. People realised n...